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regolatore di velocità trifase rvt10e


This regulator has been made specially for normal asynchronous three-phase squirrel cage motors with star connection, connected to fans or aspirators, whose absorption is lower than 6-10-16A, depending on the model, and for nominal star phase-neutral voltage up to 220V (380V on line ±10%). It allows speed regulation from about 30 up to 100% of nominal speed by choking the supply voltage with triac circuits. The use of this system may cause small motor overtemperature on low R.P.M. This anomaly, however, is acceptable if we consider the regulator to be particulary reliable, small and cheap. The regulator can be used with any ohmic load and within its electric features. For this use it is possible to supply regulators without minimum adjustment, therefore adjustment field varies from 0 up to 100% of grid voltage. It is housed in a IP55 plastic container: controls and adjustments are situated on the front panel.


Aviculture, zootechny and greenhouse equipment - Suction systems - Thermothecnics - Air conditioning - Industrial refrigerators - Community kitchens - Ovens for paint drying - Kitchen and lab-hoods - Hot air generators.


Downstream from UVW terminals regulator is not possible to install capacitors for any power and function.


1) Cap fastening screws
2) Door opening part
3) Possible electric wires inlets
4) Controls access door
5) Inside of the cap
6) Connecting diagram
7) Feeding switch
8) Motor current setting
9) Connecting terminal
10) Speed adjustment potentiometer
11) Min speed adjustment trimmer
12) Regulator fixing holes


A - Remove cap by loosening screws situate in part 1);
B - Clear the 4 holes of part 12) by slipping the screw from outside and pounding it lightely. NOTE: loosen only the number of holes you need to use.
C - Place the regulator on the wall by making four Ø6mm holes and slipping four spacers, screws, washers and spacing pipe.
NOTE: the spacing pipe allows free air circulation to the dissipator.
D - Joint external electrical wire carrier pipe correctly, in one of the possible inlets 3) by using special guiding cables.


E - Connect RST + N phases and earth connection.
F - The motor to UVW terminals and motor star center to N terminal (motor must be star connected).
See electrical diagram fig. A;
G - Tighten the cap fig. 1 by slipping the screws 1);
H - Open door 4) by lightly pushing downwards the inlet 2) and pull outwards;
I - Set current 8) as motor nominal current (sometimes you must set the current +10% of nominal one as at low speed the current could rise lightly);
J - Put regulation hand grip 10) counterclockwise. Feed the regulator by turning on the switch 7); motor must turn at minimum speed;
K - With the trimmer it is possible to adjust minimum output voltage and therefore minimum motor speed. This trimmer is already preset on 100V outlet voltage. It is possible to reduce to 75V by turning the trimmer counterclockwise, or increasing it up to 160V by turning the trimmer clockwise. Anyway, make sure that if the motor is not turning and the potentiometer 10) is completely turned counterclockwise, the motor has to start immediately by feeding the regulator. NOTE: 100V adjustment is used only in particular cases.
L - Turn hand grip 10): the motor must turn fastly if it's turned clockwise, slowly if it's turned conterclockwise;
M - Once needed speed is set, it's important to close door 4), as to assure IP55 protection.


N - We state beforehand that some electric checks must be carried out by experts with appropriate instruments and by following the accident-prevention rules of their local contry;
O - When started, the motor fails to turn. Check input voltage; the regulator switch must be on, the motor must be connected, minimum voltage must be enough. If necessary, turn the potentiometer and then adjust the trimmer for higher minimum voltage;
P - When started, the motor turns but it's very noisy. Check that neutral is connected to the motor star center, that the three phases with identical voltages (±5%) between UVW terminals and star center reach the motor. Check that absorbed currents on the three phases don't differ more than 20%.